Have you ever felt like there’s more to your relationship with God?
Do you want to be closer to Him; to know Him more deeply but don’t know where to start?
Take a step forward today and read a pure devotional written in the First Person of God’s heart unto yours. Let Him speak to you and draw you unto His heart so that every other care fades away in the Light of His glorious Presence…

The freely downloadable devotionals on this page were written to deepen your hunger for knowing who God is and His heart, so you may experience in greater fullness the inexpressible glory of living in union with Him.
God’s greatest desire is that you know Him as a Person; His heart, His mind, His ways and most of all His love. This is your highest calling on this earth and where true fulfilment is found.
Right now, God is looking into your heart and yearning for you to know Him more through His Son Jesus.
How will you respond?